2019 | Factum Fetishes, Factum Arte: Madrid, 2019 |
A Dog Called Fig, Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2022. Portrait of Maurice Sendak.
Carnegie Goes to California: Advancing and Celebrating the Work of James G. March, Emerald Group Publishing, 2021. Portrait of James G. March.
Marie Claire Spain, April 12, 2021, “La confidente Claude Delay,” Special Coco Chanel issue,
Portrait of Claude Delay Tubiana.
Republik, April 5, 2021, “Die Durchgestrichene,” Portraits of Jamaica Kincaid.
New York Times, March 24, 2021, “Daniel Wolf, 65, Dies; Helped Create a Market for Art
Photography.” Portrait of Daniel Wolf and Maya Lin.
A California Life, HeyDay Books, 2021. Front cover photograph of Czeslaw Milosz.
L’oeil de la Photographie, February 4, 2021. “In Memoriam: Daniel Wolf by Jean-Jacques Naudet.” Portrait of Daniel Wolf and Maya Lin.
Musée Magazine, February 3, 2021. “In Memoriam: Daniel Wolf.” Portrait of Daniel Wolf and Maya Lin.
The New Yorker, Sunday Reading, January 24, 2021. “Homemaking.” Portrait of Annie Shawn, Jamaica Kincaid and Harold Shawn.
The New Yorker, January 19, 2019. “Mary Oliver Helped Us Stay Amazed.” Portrait of Mary Oliver.
American Chordata, February 1, 2018, Issue 6. Photograph of “Brown Beech Mushrooms.”
The New Yorker, July 17, 2017, “Maryam Mirzakhani’s Mathematical Legacy,” Elements section. Portrait of Maryam Mirzakhani.
L’oeil de la Photographie, June, 2, 2017. “Mariana Cook, Lifeline.” Selections from Lifeline.
PBS/NOVA, July 25, 2016. “The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers.” Selection of scientists.
Los Angeles Review of Books, August 20, 2016. Photographer Spotlight, “Mariana Cook: Different Intelligences,” Portrait of Jorge Luis Borges, Chinua Achebe and daughters, Norman Mailer and Norris Church Mailer.
New York Times, August 1, 2016. “Obama’s American Idea,” The Opinion Pages. Portrait of Barack and Michelle Obama.
Transitions, Yael Dayan, Mosaic Press, 2016. Dayan Group Portrait.
Häuser, April/May 2016, Issue 2, “Gläsernes Geheimnis.” Portrait of Philip Johnson and David Whitney.
Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Harper Collins, 2015. Portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsburg & Martin Ginsburg.
The New York Times Book Review, March 1, 2015, “The Way Things Work.” Portrait of Jorie Graham.
Through the African American Lens: Double Exposure, February 17, 2015, Smithsonian
Institution/National Museum of African American History and Culture, p. 45, Portrait of Barack and Michelle Obama.
T Magazine, February 15, 2015, “Philip Johnson’s Not Glass Houses.” Portrait of Philip Johnson and David Whitney.
The Times of London, February 6, 2015, Portrait of Robert S. Pirie (Obituary).
Financial Times Magazine, February 14, 2014, "Jasper Johns: Regrets belong to everybody, don't they?" Portrait of Jasper Johns.
So Little Time, Green Writers Press, 2013.
The Kenyon Review, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer covers from Stone Walls, 2013.
Cell Press, June 6, 2013, Portrait of Francois Jacob.
The New Yorker, April 5, 2013, “Faces of Justice”, blog.
Hello World: Where Design Meets Life. Rawsthorn, Alice. London: Hamish Hamilton, 2013. Four images from Stone Walls: Personal Boundaries.
The New Yorker, May 21, 2012, Postscript, “Wild Things by Mariana Cook”, Portrait of Maurice Sendak
The International Herald Tribune, October 9, 2011, “Dazzling Ingenuity of the Dry Stone Wall”, Culture Section, three images from Stone Walls: Personal Boundaries.
The New York Review of Books, September 29, 2011, “Stony Places”, blog and slideshow.
The New York Times, August 14, 2011, “There Can Be Beauty in Barriers”, Arts & Leisure Section, five images from Stone Walls: Personal Boundaries.
The New Yorker, January 19, 2009, “Profile by Mariana Cook: A Couple in Chicago.” Porttrait of Barack and Michelle Obama.
Le Monde, January 11–12, 2009, “Exclusif: Les Confidences du couple Obama recueillies en 1996,” pp. 1 and 14-15. Portrait of Barack and Michelle Obama.
Smithsonian Magazine, November 2005, “35 Who Made a Difference: Edward O. Wilson.”
Update: New York Academy of Sciences Magazine, September/October 2005, Cover photograph of Miriam Rothschild, “Humanizing Scientists in Black & White”, pp. 8-11, and “Classic Discoveries in Visual Perception”, pp. 12-15.
The Guardian, August 18, 2005, Cover photograph, Life section, “Meet Your Heroes”, pp. 5-8.
Los Angeles Times Book Review, Sunday, March 4, 2001, Cover photograph of James Merrill.
Telegraph Magazine, 1999, p. 42-47 “Leaps of Faith” Portrait of Fiammetta Rocco.
Vital, July 1998, pp. 46-49, “Frauen-Geschichten”
L’Express, Paris, June 11, 1998, “Cioran et le Mouvement de Paris”, Portrait of E. M. Cioran.
American Photo, New York, May/June 1998, Portraits of: Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Pierre Apraxine, and Adam Fuss.
New York Daily News, May 12, 1996, pp. 4-5, “Sunday Spotlight.”
New York Times Magazine, May 5, 1996, pp. 56-59, “Mothers and Sons.”
Glamour, May 1996, p.96, “Books.”
German Vogue, May 1996, pp. 90-92, “Komplizen Im Herzen: Die Familienpsychogramme der Fotografin Mariana Cook.”
Weltwoche Supplement, April 1996, pp. 29-32, “Muttersohne, Vatertochter.”
The New Yorker, October 16, 1995, p. 54, “Life of a House.”
Lire, May 1995, pp. 39, 70-71, “Cioran” and “Deux destins solitaires.”
The Yale Review, Summer issue 1995, pp. 28-36, “Eight Portraits.”
Sky, June 1995, pp 88-95.
The New Yorker, June 20, 1994, p. 24.
People Magazine, June 20,1994, p. 27, “Picks & Pans.”
Los Angeles Times Magazine, June 19,1994, pp. 20-25, “Fathers & Daughters.”
Glamour, June 1994, p. 144, “Pin-up Papas.”
The Washingtonian, June 1994, pp. 62-65, “Fathers and Daughters.”
Mirabella, May 1994, pp. 36-41, “Patriarch Games.”
Amphoto, 1994, p. 135 “Right Brain Left Brain Photography”, Kathryn Marx. Portrait of Carlos Fuentes and daughter.
Six postcards of authors printed by Fotofolio, NYC, 1993.
National Portrait Gallery, 1992, Katharine Graham photo, invitation.
New York Magazine, January 6, 1992. Portrait of Peter Carey.
New York Times Book Review, March 1, 1992. Portrait of Marguerite Yourcenar.
APERTURE #114, Spring 1989, p. 31, “Self and Shadow.”
APERTURE, NY, “Ellis Island” 1989, pp. 90-92.
Agni Review, “Mentors and Tormentors”, Volume 26, Boston, 1988, “Writer’s portraits.”
Fiction Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 2 & 3, 1988, cover photo.
Interview Magazine, Vol. XVIII, No. 8, 1988. Portrait of Lillian Hellman.
Amphoto, New York, “Photography for the Art Market”, Kathryn Marx, p. 33, 1988. Portrait of Diego Giacometti.
Rolling Stone, Paris, 1988, Portrait of Emmanuel Dreuilhe.
“Self-Portrait in the Age of Photography”, Musee cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, 1985, p. 50, Erika Billeter.
Looking Forward: Ivorypress at Twenty-Five: "On Selecting Photographs Among Three Women," Graham, Jorie. Ed. Claire Brandon. Madrid: Ivorypress, 2021. Interview with Mariana Cook.
Financial Times, December 19, 2019. “The changing face of economics.” Select portraits from Economists.
Architectural Digest (Spanish online edition), May 31, 2017, Los imprescindibles de PHotoESPAÑA 2017. Review of Lifeline exhibition.
The New Yorker, April 5, 2013, “Faces of Justice,” blog. Select portraits from Justice.
Hello World: Where Design Meets Life. Rawsthorn, Alice. London: Hamish Hamilton, 2013. Four images from Stone Walls: Personal Boundaries.
The New Yorker, May 21, 2012, Postscript, “Wild Things by Mariana Cook.” Portrait of Maurice Sendak.
The International Herald Tribune, October 9, 2011, “Dazzling Ingenuity of the Dry Stone Wall,” Culture Section. Three images from Stone Walls: Personal Boundaries.
The New York Review of Books, September 29, 2011, “Stony Places,” blog and slideshow.
The New York Times, August 14, 2011, “There Can Be Beauty in Barriers,” Arts & Leisure Section. Five images from Stone Walls: Personal Boundaries.
American Scientist, December 2009, “Family Album,” Brian Hayes. Review of Mathematicians.
The New Criterion, December 2009, “Still Four,” Martin Gardner, p. 68-70. Review of Mathematicians
Physics World, November 1, 2009, “Between the lines: mathematics special.” Review of Mathematicians.
NATURE, August 27, 2009, Vol. 460, “The many faces of mathematics.” Review of Mathematicians.
The Boston Globe, August 23, 2009, “Figured out: We don’t understand the math, but can we get the mathematicians,” Mark Feeney. Review of Mathematicians.
National Review Online, July 8, 2009, “Symposium: Beach-Bag Books.” Review of Mathematicians.
The New Yorker, January 19, 2009, “Profile by Mariana Cook: A Couple in Chicago.” Portrait and interview of Barack and Michelle Obama.
Le Monde, January 10, 2009, “Genèse d'un entretien exclusif,” Jean-Jacques Naudet. Review of Mathematicians.
The London Mathematical Society, January 1, 2009, Edmund Robertson. Review of Mathematicians.
Art News, June 2008, “”Focus on Santa Fe”, p. 136
Black and White Magazine, December 2007. Review of Close at Hand.
Scientific American, October 2005, “Reviews”, p. 108.
The New Yorker, September 26, 2005, “Briefly Noted”, p. 147.
Desert News, February 18, 2001, “Romantic Text Warms up Charming ‘Couples’ Photos” Dennis Lythgoe.
The Orange County Register, February 16, 2001, p. 6, “Photographs Reveal Intricate Ties that Bind Longtime Couples Together” Karen M. Thomas.
The Kansas City Star, February 14, 2001, p. F3 “Portraits in Love” Karen M. Thomas.
The Columbus Dispatch, February 11, 2001, p. 1H, “In Essence” Mike Harden.
Times Daily, February 11, 2001, p. 4F, “How-we-Meet Stories Entertaining” Bethany A. Giles.
The Times – Picayune, February 11, 2001, p. E1 & 5, “Have a Heart” Susan Larson.
Daily News, Woodland Hills, CA, January 31, 2001, p.10, “Couples’ Lives Revealed in Photographs” Karen M. Thomas.
Boston Globe, December 10, 2000, p.D2, “From Art to Human Interest to Glamor” Cate McQuaid.
Chicago Sun Times, December 10, 2000, p. D10, “Books in Brief.”
New Age, Nov/Dec 2000, p.103. review.
Weekly Alabi, Albequergue, NM, November 22, 2000, p.4, “Speed Reader” Bob Rakoczy.
Vineyard Gazette, August 18, 1998, “Field Gallery Shows Photography” Alexis Starke.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 15, 1998, p. B68, “Recounting Generations of Women.”
Tucson Weekly, May 7-13, P. 32, “Parental Privilege” Mari Wadsworth.
The Wall Street Journal, May 8, 1998, “For Mother.”
Bunte, pp. 38-42, “Mutter und Sohne.”
Elle, May 1996, p. 66, “An Unfathomable Intimacy,” Lisa Shea.
The Indianapolis Star, May 12, 1996, D6, “Every Mother’s and Son’s...Image,” Sara E. Sanderson.
The Shelbyville News, May 10, 1996, pp. A1-2, “Country Mom, Son in Focus,” Sam Black.
The Seattle Times, May 7, 1996, E1, “Mothers in a new light,” Cynthia Rose.
The Columbus Dispatch, April 18, 1996, pp. E1-2, “Mothers (and) Sons,” Jim Massie.
The Boston Globe, April 13, 1996, p. 23, “Capturing the bonds of `Mothers and Sons’,” Irene Sege.
Photographies Magazine, April 1996 pp. 72-73, “Marianna Cooke Une purete classique,” Kathryn Max.
Art in America, February 1995, p. 98, “Mariana Cook at Sander,” Anastasia Aukeman.
The Jerusalem Report, October 20, 1994, “The Paternal Woman,” David B. Green, pp. 42-44.
News Register, September 4, 1994, “The Joys and Sorrows of Families,” John W. Whitehead, Wheeling, W.Va.
Mode Blatt, September 1994, “Mariana Cook,” Birgit Filzmaier, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 11-12.
Philadelphia Photo Review, September 1994, Stephen Perloff, p. 39.
The Women’s Review of Books, September 1994, “Family Albums,” p. 21.
Photo District News, July 1994, “In Print,” Nancy Madlin, New York, p. 76.
People, June 20, 1994, “Picks & Pans,” Eric Levun, pp. 27-28.
The Beacon Journal, June 19, 1994, “Fathers & Daughters,” Steve Love, Akron, Ohio, pp. E1 & E4.
Dayton Daily News, June 19, 1994, “Take some time out for Dads,” Meredith Moss, p. 7C.
Mercury News, Morning Edition, June 19, 1994, “Father and daughter photographs delight,” Stephen Whitty, San Jose, CA.
New Mexican, June 19, 1994, “The apple of his eye,” Kitty Leaken, Santa Fe, NM.
Star Tribune, Minneapolis Edition, June 19, 1994, “Dads and daughters tell of peculiar bonds and loving relationships ‘in their own words’,” Robert Armstrong, Minneapolis, MN.
San Antonio Express-News, Morning Edition, June 17, 1994, “Fathers in books display eloquence, wit,”Judyth Rigler, San Antonio, TX, p. 10F.
Post, June 12, 1994, “Photos chronicle fathers-daughter bond ‘In Their Own Words’,” David Kaplan, Houston, TX.
Post-Dispatch, June 12, 1994, “Dads On Display: Paternal Images,” Jabari Asim, St. Louis, MO.
The Providence Sunday Journal, June 12, 1994, “Family portraits celebrate the father-daughter bond,” Elsa Dorfman, p. E7.
New Times, June 8-15, 1994, “Photographic Relationships,” Ingrid Reti, San Luis Obispo, p.37.
Globe, June 5, 1994, “Fathers’ Figures,” Julie Michaels, Boston, MA.
Glamour, June 1994, “Pin-up Papas,” Laura Mathews, p. 144.
New Woman, June 1994, “Relationships in Black and White,” Stephanie von Hirschberg, p. 27.
Belles Letters, Summer 1994, “Clicking The Shutter,” North Potomac, MD, pp. 10-11.
Pasatiempo, May 27, 1994, “Of Fathers and Daughters,” Santa Fe, NM, pp. 36-38.
The New York Times, Metro, May 19, 1994, “Chronicle,” p. B6.
The New York Times, May 13, 1994, “Art in Review,” Charles Hagen.
New York Magazine, May 9, 1994, “The Tops In Town This Week,” Richard David Story, p. 29.
New York Post, April 7, 1994, “Von Bulows joined across an ocean of sorrow.”
Le Monde, March 14, 1984, “Mariana Cook, Une Decouverte,” Herve Guibert.
Current TV/The War Room, with Michael Shure, April 23, 2013.
NY1, with Errol Louis, April 5, 2013, “NY1 Online: Photographer Talks Book on Human Rights Activists.”
CBS Sunday Morning, with Charles Osgood, February 11, 2001, “Couples.”
CNN, with Deborah Feyerick, January 14, 2009, “Obama’s early exposure.”
Jersey’s Talking, with Lee Leonard, June 18, 1998 “Generations of Women.”
Man Alive, October 13, 1994, “Daddy’s Girls,” F.M. Morrison, A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Production.
Today in New York, Weekend, NBC, June 19, 1994.
Columbia Morning, KFRU, Columbia, S.C., May 2013.
Marshall Public Library Radio Hour, KISU-FM/ NPR affiliate, Idaho, May 21, 2013 & May 8, 2014.
BBC4 Today Show, 5 minutes, international broadcast, October 21, 2011.
The Take Away, 10 minutes live with Todd Zwillich, WNYC-AM, New York, (nationally syndicated) January 16, 2009.
Morning Edition, 30 minutes live with Jeff Schetman, KVON-AM, San Francisco, CA, February 14, 2001.
Daybreak USA, 10 minutes live with Al Lerner, USA Network (nationally syndicated), February 9, 2001.
Good Day USA, 20 minutes live with Doug Stephan, Radio America, February 6, 2001.
Common Ground, 15 minutes with Ann Cody, WZLX-FM, Boston, MA, February 5, 2001.
All Things Considered, National Public Radio, “Mothers and Sons”, May 10, 1996.